I'm using the Collapse command in Stata to aggregate a series of numbers by different categories. The data is a series of individual hourly regression estimates (hr1-h24) as well as a few other variables. The objective is to create a mean value for each hour, multiply by a population count, and then sum to different category levels. The code looks like this: collapse (mean) p10_hr1-p10_hr24, by(date cat1 subcat2 subcat3)
joinby date cat1 subcat2 subcat3 using popcnt.dta
reshape long p10_hr popcnt, i(date cat1 subcat2 subcat3) j(hour)
replace p10_hr = p10_hr * population
reshape wide p10_hr, i(date cat1 subcat2 subcat3) j(hour)
collapse (sum) p10_hr1-p10_hr24, by(date cat1 subcat2 subcat3)

It's at this point that I get an error message:
p10_hr1 = (mean) p10_hr1
p10_hr1 = (sum) p10_hr1
name conflict

Does anyone know what is going on here?

I've also posted this question on Reddit: