
I've a question about writing output from the svy: logit function to matrices. So that later I can more easily export them to excel, using the putexcel function.
I've written the following code, where my independent variables are categorical variables:

// setting up macros
local basecat =substr("`indvars'",3,1)
levelsof Year, local(Yearlevels)
local depvar X Y
local invars a b

foreach yr of local Yearlevels{
    foreach invar of local invars{
        foreach dpvar of local depvar{
            svy: proportion `dpvar' if Year==`yr', over(`invar')
            matrix result= r(table)
            local cat=e(N_over)

            matrix p`dpvar'=result[1,`cat'+1..`cat'*2]*100
            matrix se`dpvar'=result[2,`cat'+1..`cat'*2]*100
            matrix dfs=J(`cat',2,.)
//           forvalues j = 1/`cat' {
//                 local dif `j'=p[1,`j']-p[1,`basecat']
//                 local sedif`j'=sqrt(se[1,`j']*se[1,`j']+se[1,`basecat']*se[1,`basecat'])
// //              matrix dfs[`j',1]=`dif`j''
//                 matrix dfs[`j',2]=`sedif`j''
// //              matrix dfs[`basecat',1]=.
// //              matrix dfs[`basecat',2]=.
//                  }    
            matrix ll=result[5,`cat'+1..`cat'*2]*100
            matrix ul=result[6,`cat'+1..`cat'*2]*100  

It seems to be breaking in the part that I have currently commented out, i.e. the forvalues loop where I try to write the logit results for each level of the categorical value to a matrix.

Can anyone help me out here?

Thank you.