Dear Statalist members,

I am new to the forum. So, sincere apologies if this has already been answered or I making a trivial mistake. I am using the user-written reghdfe command and trying to plot the coefficients of interest using the coefplot command. Here is the code.

reghdfe         time_outdoor c.wtmonth_sunlight#i.state  /// 
                wtmonth_rain_mm wtmonth_maxtemp_c ///
                wtmonth_mintemp_c, ///
                a(i.month i.year i.postcode i.aboriginal_tsi) ///
coefplot,       keep(1b.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight ///
                2.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight 3.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight ///            
                4.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight 5.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight ///            
                6.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight 7.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight ///            
                8.state#c.wtmonth_sunlight) ///
                vertical yline(0) ci(90) ///
                ytitle("Association bw time outdoor and sunlight" ) ///
                xtitle(State) xline(8) ///
                xlabel(1 "NSW" 2 "VIC" 3 "QLD" 4 "SA" 5 "WA" 6 "TAS" ///
                7 "NT" 8 "ACT", axis(1)) ///
                scheme(s1color) scale(0.8)
For some reason, the coefplot drops the first state's coefficient and treating moving the other state coefficients up by a rank.


Here is the efficient matrix:


Thank you in advance,
