Dear all,

I am making a plot consisting of overlaying histograms. My data ranges from -9 to 14. Even after rescaling the x-axis (xscale) from -14 to 15 AND declaring all xlabels to be within this bound (xlabel and xtick) I obtain a graph with a large empty patch in the lower x-area. As neither data nor labels should be restricting the x-axis to be larger than I specified, I am out of ideas how to get rid of the empty patch in my graph. My code is

twoway (histogram LR_open, frac width(14) start(-14) yaxis(1) yscale(axis(1) range(1.3)) xscale(range(-14 15)) xlabel(-10 -5 -2 0 2 5 10 15) fin(inten50) fcol(gs10) lcol(gs10) lwidth(vthin) xlabel(-10 -5 0 5 10 15) xtick(-10(1)15)) ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open < -5, fcol(dknavy) lcol(dknavy) fin(inten90) freq width(0.5) start(-10) xline(0) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= -5 & LR_open < -2, fcol(navy) lcol(navy) fin(inten90) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= -2 & LR_open < -1, fcol(blue) lcol(blue) fin(inten80) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= -1 & LR_open < -0.5, fcol(midblue) lcol(midblue) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= -0.5 & LR_open < 0, fcol(eltblue) lcol(eltblue) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= 0 & LR_open < 0.5, fcol(sandb) lcol(sandb) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= 0.5 & LR_open < 1, fcol(orange) lcol(orange) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= 1 & LR_open < 2, fcol(dkorange) lcol(dkorange) fin(inten90) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= 2 & LR_open < 5, fcol(red) lcol(red) fin(inten80) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2))  ///
(histogram LR_open if LR_open >= 5, fcol(maroon) lcol(maroon) fin(inten90) freq width(0.5) start(-10) yaxis(2) xscale(range(-14 15)) xlabel(-10 -5 0 5 10 15) xtick(-10(1)15) legend(off))
and it produces Array

I have tried including

xscale(range(-14 15)) xlabel(-10 -5 0 5 10 15) xtick(-10(1)15)
in every line (for every histogram) but to no avail.

Thank you kindly for your ideas!