Dear Stata Members

I ran the following panel regression with firm fixed effects(in my case, xtset id year; where id denotes individual firms) and year dummies, and standard errors clustered at firm level

xtreg cash_ta2_w epu ///
tra_cre2_w inven_ta_w ///
size_w fixed_ass_w lever_w ltbankborr2_w stbankborr2_w rd_ta_w div_w ///
sgrowth_w oppro_ta_w mb_w  ///
fcfvol icfvol fsalvol isalvol ///
realinterestrate gdpgrowthannual ///
i.year, fe vce(robust)
Now I want standard errors to be clustered by both firm and year to control for the possibility that standard errors are correlated across firms and over time.

I ran the following code
reghdfe cash_ta2_w epu ///
tra_cre2_w inven_ta_w ///
size_w fixed_ass_w lever_w ltbankborr2_w stbankborr2_w rd_ta_w div_w ///
sgrowth_w oppro_ta_w mb_w  ///
fcfvol icfvol fsalvol isalvol ///
realinterestrate gdpgrowthannual ///
i.year, absorb(id) vce(cluster id year)
Did I run the right code?

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