
Currently my data looks like:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int date byte(chestpress shoulderpress fly)
22182 45 30 25
22188 45 45 25
22191 50 45 20
format %tddd-Mon date

and I would like to turn it into:

Date exercise weight
09/10/2020 chestpress 45
09/11/2020 chestpress 45
09/12/2020 chestpress 45
09/10/2020 shoulderpress 45
09/11/2020 shoulderpress 45
09/12/2020 shoulderpess 50
09/10/2020 fly 40
09/11/2020 fly 45
09/12/2020 fly 45
Any advice? I have tried both reshape from wide to long, and stack (code below), but reshape tells me no such X_ij variables exist, and stack drops date.

reshape long chest_press incline_ch_press fly, i(date) j(weight)

stack chestpress shoulderpess fly, into(exercise) wide

Thanks in advance!