Dear all,

I am using Stata 16, on mac. I have taken a snapshot of dataset I am working with. Array

I want to create a model that includes on the x axis how many participants in the study were age 15, how many were age 16 and so on over the years 1998-2009. I just would like to count for each of the column years how many participants overall were age 15, how many participants were age 16 and so on between 1997-2009 but I am not sure how to go about writing the Stata code for this? I also do not want to include any of the observations in the dataset that are -5 in my x-axis because those participants did not want to be in the study any longer. Is there a way to write a Stata code that bypasses certain observations that I do not want to include in my analysis such as the indicator -5?

Thank you in advance for your help

Jason Browen