I'm using the coefplot command to plot the association between a given covariate and a number of different outcomes. I can't figure out why the CI bars line up with some of the labels on the graph (e.g., headroom) and others do not (e.g., price too high, weight too low). Why is this happening?
Thank you for your help!
webuse auto, clear replace price = price / 100 // Just scaling things here for a pretty graph replace weight = weight / 1000 replace headroom = headroom * 10 replace displacement = displacement / 100 replace length = length / 10 foreach y of varlist price mpg headroom trunk weight length turn displacement { eststo `y': qui reg `y' foreign } esttab *, keep(foreign) set scheme plotplain #delimit ; coefplot (price, aseq(price)) (mpg, aseq(mpg)) (headroom, aseq(headroom)) (trunk, aseq(trunk)) (weight, aseq(weight)), swapnames keep(foreign) xline(0) msymbol(D) mlabel format(%9.1g) mlabposition(12) mlabgap(*2) ciopts(recast(rcap)) legend(off) ; #delimit cr
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