to make clear what my problem is I use the data "sysuse auto".
To show you my problem I use two categorial variables, so I had to create one with the variable "price"
I want to create a grouped bar chart with the command "Catplot", that works great too.
But the labeling bothers me.
I would like to remove the font "Car Type".
How can I solve the problem?


generate price_exp= 0
replace price_exp = 1 if price>5000
generate price_low = 0
replace price_low = 1 if price<4999

generate price_kat =1 if price_exp==1
replace price_kat =2 if price_low==1
label variable price_kat "Price kategorial"
label define price_label 1 "Teuer" 2 "Billig"
label value price_kat price_label
tab price_kat

tab foreign price_kat, column
catplot foreign, over(price_kat) percent(price_kat) asyvar recast(bar)