I am using Stata 15 MP and my analytic data set is a geographic region-year panel, for the years 2000-2011, and 48 African countries (n=8,928).

I am estimating a two part model using the twopm command. I do understand that this is a user written command (The Stata Journal, Vol 15, No 1 pp 3-20) and that I may need to follow up with the authors. I am posting here in case others have experience with this particular problem.

I am able to successfully estimate the first and second part of the model for the specification as:

twopm all_aid n_birth i.Capital c.log_NTL c.n_pop c.area i.ports i.oil c.log_mines c.road_density i.n_polity i.n_year, firstpart(probit) secondpart(regress, log)
However, when I add in the i.country fixed effects (n=48) and run this specification:
twopm all_aid n_birth i.Capital c.log_NTL c.n_pop c.area i.ports i.oil c.log_mines c.road_density i.n_polity i.n_year i.country, firstpart(probit) secondpart(regress, log)
I get the following error:
                       *:  3200  conformability error
                _resid():     -  function returned error
                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error
I think the problem is related to the matrix construction and would appreciate any suggestions about next steps.

Below is a subset of the data that I am using in the analysis.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float n_birth byte Capital float(log_NTL n_pop area ports oil log_mines road_density n_polity) int n_year float(country log_all) double all_aid
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2003 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2004 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2005 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2006 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2007 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2008 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2009 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2010 1         0            0
0 0  2.2023542  7.096685   6260654592 0 0         0  .05351823 2 2011 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2003 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2004 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2005 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2006 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2007 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2008 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2009 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2010 1         0            0
0 0  2.2067032 3.4792726   3235284992 1 0 1.0986123  .07385414 2 2011 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2003 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2004 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2005 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2006 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2007 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2008 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2009 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2010 1         0            0
0 0 -2.0366273  3.407414  4.75507e+11 0 1         0 .013278006 2 2011 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2000 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2001 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2002 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2003 1 13.095222 486610.65625
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2004 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2005 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2006 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2007 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2008 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2009 1         0            0
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2010 1 17.533833     41195244
0 1  4.0834794  26.81683   1073996160 0 0         0   .1938671 2 2011 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2003 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2004 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2005 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2006 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2007 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2008 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2009 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2010 1         0            0
0 0   2.740843  5.686339   1978018688 1 0 2.3025851  .09994795 2 2011 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2003 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2004 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2005 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2006 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2007 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2008 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2009 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2010 1         0            0
0 0  -1.877278  2.436817 1.917303e+11 0 1  .6931472 .020742806 2 2011 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2003 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2004 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2005 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2006 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2007 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2008 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2009 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2010 1         0            0
0 0   2.432754 8.9758415   4489071616 1 0         0  .11833785 2 2011 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2003 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2004 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2005 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2006 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2007 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2008 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2009 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2010 1         0            0
0 0  1.8802855 10.290612  16381642752 0 0  .6931472  .08080617 2 2011 1         0            0
0 0    .636917  6.251555  28324433920 0 0 1.0986123  .05668944 2 2000 1         0            0
0 0    .636917  6.251555  28324433920 0 0 1.0986123  .05668944 2 2001 1         0            0
0 0    .636917  6.251555  28324433920 0 0 1.0986123  .05668944 2 2002 1         0            0
0 0    .636917  6.251555  28324433920 0 0 1.0986123  .05668944 2 2003 1         0            0