
I am able to generate the survivor function overtime with the following code and associated output:
sts list if fullcohort_rosey==1 & _weight==1, at(0 1 2 3 4 5) by(drug)

failure _d: readmitdead_90 == 1
analysis time _t: readmitdeaddays_90

Beg. Survivor Std.
Time Total Fail Function Error [95% Conf. Int.]
0 0 0 1.0000 . . .
1 2692 23 0.9915 0.0018 0.9872 0.9943
2 2666 17 0.9851 0.0023 0.9798 0.9891
3 2647 25 0.9758 0.0030 0.9693 0.9810
4 2621 10 0.9721 0.0032 0.9651 0.9777
5 2610 15 0.9665 0.0035 0.9590 0.9727
0 0 0 1.0000 . . .
1 2692 16 0.9941 0.0015 0.9903 0.9964
2 2674 19 0.9870 0.0022 0.9819 0.9906
3 2655 14 0.9818 0.0026 0.9760 0.9862
4 2641 16 0.9758 0.0030 0.9693 0.9810
5 2625 16 0.9699 0.0033 0.9627 0.9757

However, I want to generate the same output/list in order to get the survival function overtime of the cox-hazard regression output. So I would like to generate a list of adjusted survival functions. I cannot seem to find a way to do this within the stcurve or stslist code. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you!!~
