Dear STATA community,

I am facing an issue and I was hoping that some of you might share ideas or experiences on the same.

I work with large data files, exceeding 40 GB. STATA/SE was not enough so I switched to STATA/MP 2 but it has also been painfully slow. I have been thinking of upgrading the STATA MP version but not sure which is the optimal one. Online information/guidance is not very clear, and that is why I am reaching out to you.

I have tried splitting the files and work in batches, and it is helpful but it still takes a lot of time. Some basic functions could take hours or even days.

My system specs are:
Intel/Xeon/ CPU E5-1620 v4 @ 3.5 GHz
RAM: 64 GB
64-bit OS/x64 processor

Look forward to your suggestions.

Thank you.

Kind regards,