I have been working with panel data set with survey data. I have a set of villages that have received the treatment and a set that have not (classified treat = 0 or 1). I also have schooling dummies Primary school (prim), middle and high school (midhigh), boys primary (bprim), boys midhigh, girls primary (gprim) etc. Now I want to create a count table for which I wanted to create count variables by treated and not-treated using STATA. The following code seems to work but I am not entirely sure this is the correct way:
local school prim midhigh bprim bmidhigh gprim gmidhigh foreach x in `school' { egen `x'_treat = sum(`x') if treat == 1 egen `x'_nontreat = sum(`x') if treat ==0 }
Treated vs Non-Treated | |
prims | # of primary schools |
midhigh | # of middle and high schools |
bprim | # of boys primary schools |
bmidhigh | # boys of middle and high schools |
gprim | # of girls primary schools |
gmidhigh | # of girls middle and high schools |
Thank you in advance,
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