This may have a very simple solution that I'm missing, but I've gotten stuck.
Basically, I want to replicate what I've done with twoway scatter with connected option with twoway line. (I have a good reason for this.) But I'm not getting the same results using the sort option between both. The two sets of code are:
twoway(scatter efvn timepoint, connect(L) lwidth(medium) lcolor(green%50) sort(study_id) /// ytitle(" ") xscale(titlegap(*10)) xtitle("Control Group") xlabel(0.8 " " 1 "Pre-Intervention" 1.5 "Post-Intervention" 1.7 " ", notick labsize(small) angle(0))) twoway(line efvn timepoint, lwidth(medium) lcolor(green%50) sort(study_id) /// ytitle(" ") xscale(titlegap(*10)) xtitle("Control Group") xlabel(0.8 " " 1 "Pre-Intervention" 1.5 "Post-Intervention" 1.7 " ", notick labsize(small) angle(0)))
Thanks in advance!
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