I have a dataset in a bit oddly shaped. The time (the data is hourly for 30 years) is already in long format but the panels IDs (more than 250) represent the value of one variable.
How can I reshape this to a regular long form dataset? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long(year month day hour) double(PL41 ES21 PL32 UKK1 PL34) 1986 1 1 1 .02459 .21347 .07598 .54705 .16948 1986 1 1 2 .01484 .20183 .08367 .44395 .16234 1986 1 1 3 .00972 .198 .09651 .29984 .15206 1986 1 1 4 .00983 .21373 .0896 .18699 .14123 1986 1 1 5 .00855 .25338 .08422 .06668 .12608 1986 1 1 6 .01072 .32322 .09259 .04675 .11158 1986 1 1 7 .01695 .39983 .09248 .05119 .09848 1986 1 1 8 .02895 .46698 .11102 .07198 .08874 1986 1 1 9 .03292 .54667 .124 .17523 .05779 1986 1 1 10 .02148 .56828 .12769 .28923 .03377 end label values hour hour label def hour 1 "00:00:00", modify label def hour 2 "01:00:00", modify label def hour 3 "02:00:00", modify label def hour 4 "03:00:00", modify label def hour 5 "04:00:00", modify label def hour 6 "05:00:00", modify label def hour 7 "06:00:00", modify label def hour 8 "07:00:00", modify label def hour 9 "08:00:00", modify label def hour 10 "09:00:00", modify
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