Dear all,

I would like to do a logistic regression with multiple imputed data. My syntax is:

mi estimate, or: logistic csection_02 parity_01 i.mat_age_01 i.ethnic_01
contrast, or level(99)

The first line is running well, but the 'contrast' part is not working. The 'contrast' part works in logistic regressions with non-imputed data. However, I think my syntax is not correct for mi data. I would like to change the reference category of the variable 'country' in the weighted mean of csection of the countries.
Example: the weighted mean incidence of a caesarean section between the 13 included countries is 24%. This 24% should be the reference (OR of 1.0). How can I do this?

Adding b(...) to the first line is not working.

Many thanks in advance!

Best wishes,