I am having difficulty plotting the different survival curves (specifically the hazard) following multi-level hazard models. My code looks something like this:
mestreg $dems $rf $cov i.exit_kin i.ch_male#i.ch_race || rmvlcty:, dist(weib)
stcurve, haz at1(ch_male=1 ch_race=1) at2(ch_male=1 ch_race=2) at3(ch_male=0 ch_race=1) at4(ch_male=0 ch_race=2)

The plot lists all of the groups above, but only shows one line. When I just do the streg command instead of mestreg I get a plot with 4 different lines. Could someone else me figure out why I no longer get the 4 separate lines when I use a multi-level model instead? In both streg and mestreg the interaction term is significant (and the same coefficient).