Thanks as always to Kit Baum, a new version of the cprdenttype package is now available for download from SSC. In Stata, use the ssc package to do ths, or adoupdate if you already have an old version of cprdenttype.

The cprdenttype package is described as below on my website, and is part of the cprdutil fleet of packages (Newson, 2018). The new version sets a variable characteristic varname[lookup] for the generated numeric variables, indicating a value label, date format or lookup table to be used with the generated variable.

Best wishes



Newson RB. A fleet of packages for inputting Unted Kngdom primary care data. Presented at the 2018 London Stata Conference, 06-07 September, 2018. Download from

package cprdenttype from

cprdenttype: Converting CPRD entity string data of any enttype to numeric

The cprdenttype package is intended for use with datasets produced by
the cprdutil package to convert CPRD entity string data variables to
numeric variables. cprdenttype inputs an integer number, assumed to
be a CPRD enttype (or entity type) value, and a filename, assumed to
be a Stata dataset produced by the cprd_entity module of cprdutil,
with one observation for each enttype value known to CPRD. It outputs
descriptive information about the entity type with the specified
enttype value, and, optionally, two local macros, storing lists of
CPRD lookups and descriptive labels for decoding the string data
variables used by that enttype. cprdentcode is used in test and
additional clinical datasets, produced by the cprd_test and
cprd_additional modules of cprdutil, respectively. It inputs the
lists specified by the local macros output by cprdenttype, and uses
them to input the string entity data variables in the datasets, and to
output a list of numeric variables with the correct formats, variable
labels and/or value labels, assuming that the test or additional
clinical observations have the enttype value originally specified by
the user to cprdenttype. cprdentcode requires the SSC package chardef
in order to work.

Author: Roger Newson
Distribution-Date: 15may2019
Stata-Version: 13

INSTALLATION FILES (click here to install)
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