So, I just found out that using tab when you have multiple imputations is a big no no. This was a bit of a bummer since I didn't know this and had multiple 2 by 2 tables as descriptive statistics. So now I need to redo that.

I am just wondering how.

So I have a variable that is binary, I just want to see how many said yes or no and the % split. I used fre for that, I assume this also won't work anymore with MI? For that I will use mi estimate: total I guess and just calculate the % split, doesn't seem to have an option to include that in the output.

I also have tables with 2 variables that I need to redo. On one side are ages split into groups (16-25, 26-35 etc.) and on the other the same with monetary values (0-10k 10k -100k etc.)

One way could be

forvalues j=0/5{

  tab age money if implicate==`j', cell nofreq

This should work with multiple imputations right? But how do I get a table with all imptuations combined into one as tab (incorrectly) would have done? Is this where I use the "over" option for mi estimate: total?

Or do you have any other recommendations of what ways I could create simple descriptive tables when dealing with multiple imputations?