Hi Stata users, I want to make a twoway bar graph that plots a number (on the y axis) against a date (on the x axis). I want to manipulate the length, label and ticks of the x-axis. I tried to enter the dates in different formats into the xscale and the xlabel options, but keep getting a "range() invalid - invalid numlist" error for xscale and a "invalid label specifier" error for xlabel. How do I refer to dates in xscale and xlabel? I tried entering the dates in different formats.
 input date number  16743 116  16835 384  17034 152  17113 267  17191 939  17246 372  17265 443  17302 406  17498 210  end   format date %tdnn/dd/CCYY   twoway bar number date , xscale(range(11/3/2005 (100) 11/28/2007))  xlabel(11/3/2005 1/25/2007 11/28/2007)
I also tried things like:
 twoway bar number date ,  xlabel(mdy(11,3,2005) mdy(1,25,2007)   mdy(11,28,2007) , format(%tdnn/dd/CCYY))
None of these worked. I appreciate any advice. Thank you!