Let me explain what characterize my observations to better understand what I want to realize.
I have two variables which characterize my treatment: framing (equal to 0 or 1) & sanctions (0, 1 or 2).
For each observation there are a deviation level (dev_inter1 variable between 1 and 7) and the punishment stage (Punished equal to 0 or to 1).
I want to make a graphic that reflects the likelihood of being punished depending on the deviation level but also of the framing (for the treatment sanctions==2). In this graphic I also want the numbers of observations (by deviation level and framing) to appear.

So I made these codes :
drop if sanctions != 2
egen percent = mean(100 * Punished), by (dev_inter1 framing)
collapse percent (count) n=percent, by(framing sanctions dev_inter1)
egen axis = axis(dev_inter1), gap label(dev_inter1)

*** Test 1 : I could not make the number of observations appear.
#delimit ;
graph bar percent if sanctions==2, over(framing) over(dev_inter1) asyvars bar(1, color(red)) bar(2, color(blue)) blabel(n)
title("Likelihood of being punished by deviation level and framing")
ytitle("Likelihood of being punished")
name(test1, replace);
#delimit cr
***Test 2 : Here the number of observation appear but I could not add different color by framing and I find this graphic less clear.
#delimit ;
graph twoway bar percent axis if sanctions==2 ||  ///
scatter percent axis if sanctions==2, by(framing, title("Likelihood of being punished by deviation level") legend(off)) ms(i) mlab(n) mlabpos(12) mlabcolor(black) ||  ///
, ytitle("Average punishment points received")
ylabel(0 (10) 110)
xtitle("Deviation level")
xlabel(1 "[-20,-14)" 2 "[-14,-8)" 3 "[-8,-2)" 4 "[-2,2]" 5 "(2,8]" 6 "(8,14]" 7 "(14,20]", labsize(small))
name(Likelihood_Punished_test, replace);   
#delimit cr
Do you know how could I make the number of observations appear in the test 1 ?
(But also add different color by framing in the test 2? )

PS: I am sorry I could not upload the graphic.