* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int date float(quarter sales) 13239 144 15.07396 13330 145 15.22263 13422 146 15.7636 13514 147 17.03415 13604 148 17.59395 13695 149 18.00279 13787 150 18.07942 13879 151 21.87692 13969 152 22.51151 14060 153 22.81462 14152 154 24.65873 14244 155 27.38165 14334 156 28.00771 14425 157 28.02526 14517 158 28.05533 14609 159 27.08693 14700 160 29.16289 14791 161 30.16414 14883 162 32.27179 14975 163 34.43443 15065 164 36.40239 15156 165 35.48289 15248 166 35.10188 15340 167 36.21612 15430 168 37.56783 15521 169 36.78747 15613 170 36.58957 15705 171 37.74507 15795 172 36.79951 15886 173 42.71779 15978 174 43.54155 16070 175 44.6773 16161 176 47.31126 16252 177 50.62463 16344 178 51.71962 16436 179 50.26723 16526 180 52.15678 16617 181 52.95755 16709 182 54.54217 16801 183 55.01907 16891 184 57.37235 16982 185 59.59472 17074 186 62.04618 17166 187 65.14246 17256 188 67.598 17347 189 69.60613 17439 190 70.948 17531 191 75.71963 17622 192 73.87219 17713 193 72.65429 17805 194 71.2222 17897 195 69.34279 17987 196 71.96011 18078 197 73.72668 18170 198 75.46033 18262 199 76.14115 18352 200 78.47517 18443 201 78.30347 18535 202 79.78409 18627 203 80.78126 18717 204 81.86597 18808 205 83.78559 18900 206 81.7859 18992 207 73.38277 19083 208 73.07322 19174 209 74.47658 19266 210 77.54887 19358 211 80.99576 19448 212 82.05329 19539 213 80.5828 19631 214 82.75167 19723 215 83.92115 19813 216 86.00323 19904 217 89.75872 19996 218 89.61819 20088 219 90.73944 20178 220 94.8772 20269 221 94.64499 20361 222 94.31632 20453 223 96.68026 20544 224 97.78695 20635 225 97.12594 20727 226 97.48424 20819 227 98.30496 20909 228 102.56005 21000 229 102.88103 21092 230 104.58755 21184 231 104.64616 21274 232 101.83655 21365 233 102.9994 21457 234 103.4964 21549 235 102.7439 end format %tdnn/dd/CCYY date format %tq quarter
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