Dear all,

I have a problem with the interpretation of my dependent variables. My dependent variable is GDP growth and my variable of interest is the change in human capital (HC). I regressed the following:
m2 -1.112*** -0.612 0.0418 0.391
(0.351) (0.432) (0.419) (0.345)
conv2 1.263** 1.238** 1.263**
(0.562) (0.556) (0.573)
c11 -1.971*** -1.198***
(0.234) (0.223)
HCchange -70.29**
xconst 0.0597***
RNNAchange 74.24***
Constant 3.163*** 2.648*** 2.627*** 0.521
(0.305) (0.434) (0.429) (0.487)
Observations 1,528 1,491 1,491 1,349
Number of country1 37 36 36 33

I would say that a 1% change in HC leads to a 70% decrease in GDP growth. However, my teacher stated that when HC doubles, GDP decreases with 70%.

GDP is GDP growth per capita (annual %) and the variable HC is the % change per year. Does someone know the correct interpretation?

Thank you in advance for your comments!

Kind regards,
