Hello esteemed members of Statalist!

I am conducting a cross-sectional analysis of UK firms examining the prevalence of ethnic 'presence' (a dummy variable to indicate if boards have at least 1 ethnic minority director) on firm financial outcomes such as 'ebitda1' (natural log). I have grouped and labelled my firms by industry. Below are the results of an outlier robust regression with no controls
rreg ebitda1 presence i.industry, nolog

Robust regression Number of obs = 90
F( 12, 77) = 3.92
Prob > F = 0.0001

ebitda1 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
presence | .2476538 .2250689 1.10 0.275 -.2005156 .6958233
industry |
Manufacturing | -1.609817 .4452493 -3.62 0.001 -2.496422 -.7232123
Utilities | -2.038274 .6915941 -2.95 0.004 -3.415414 -.6611347
Construction | -2.525203 .5318272 -4.75 0.000 -3.584206 -1.4662
Retailing | -1.624857 .5092477 -3.19 0.002 -2.638899 -.6108155
Leisure | -2.334223 .6885354 -3.39 0.001 -3.705273 -.9631742
Transport | -2.171283 .6284394 -3.46 0.001 -3.422666 -.9199008
Telecoms | -1.762717 .5499304 -3.21 0.002 -2.857769 -.667666
Finance | -1.703792 .4439282 -3.84 0.000 -2.587766 -.8198184
Prof/Support Services | -2.525983 .4528735 -5.58 0.000 -3.427769 -1.624197
Health & Public | -2.570481 .6284394 -4.09 0.000 -3.821863 -1.319098
Entertainment | -3.050315 .8044537 -3.79 0.000 -4.652186 -1.448443
_cons | 15.98618 .3860808 41.41 0.000 15.21739 16.75496

Perhaps this is trivial of me but I am not sure what the coefficients of the industries indicate. Do they represent the effect of 'presence' on 'ebitda1' for each industry or do they represent a direct relationship between each industry and 'ebitda1', if so, what exactly does that infer?

Thank you for responding.

Kind regards,