
I would like to perform the following multiple regression, w "loglprice" as the dependent variable and the remaining are independent (including some dummy variables):

reg loglprice i.yearquarter loglot logunitsf floors rooms bedrms baths 1.garage 1.porch 1.fplwk 1.airsys i.cellar 1.poolacc
I selected these variables from the data for a certain period (1999-2011), each containing 14,766 observations, but there is 1 variable "poolacc" which was only registered in 2011 (=3,826 obs).

I would like to impute the variable "poolacc", in order to perform the regression above correctly.

Can someone explain how I could do this?

I already performed the following 'setup' steps interactively in Stata:

mi set mlong
mi register imputed poolacc
What is the next step ?
Let me know if I should provide some data.
