Dear all,

I am doing an interaction analysis with two factorial variables (informationtype and gender) on attitudes towards childhood vaccination (scaled from 0 - 1).
The variable informationtype has two categories: control and experimental treatment
The gender variable also has two categories: men and women.

My interaction analyses shows:
- There is a significant difference between men and women in my control group (p < 0,05)
- There is an insignificant difference between men and women in my treatment group
- There is a significant difference between men in control and treatment (p < 0,001)
- There is a significant difference between women in control and treatment ( p < 0,001).

My question is: How do I show whether the difference between men and women in the control group is significantly different from the difference between men and women in the treatment group? I.e. whether the difference between the two differences is statistical significant.
According to my output the difference between men and women in control is 4 percent points while the difference in the treatment is -7,8 percent points.

My interaction analysis:

My margins output:
[ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_14603_1558621316889_856[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_14604_1558621325057_100[/ATTACH]

I am using Stata 13.1

I hope someone in here can help me with my frustrations.

Best regards
​​​​​​​Maiken Munk