Hello, Good afternoon. I would like to look for some help:
1) I have no idea how to remove the background line? Please see my graph?
2) How to put the graph going to the right side, because some information could not be showed?
3) How to default the title, which locate in the middle of graph?

Thank you very much
I am looking forward to hearing from you

please see my command:

label define stu 1 "Imipenem" ///
2 "Ertapenem" ///
3 "Amikacin" ///
4 "Piperacillin-tazobactam" ///
5 "Ceftazidime" ///
6 "Gentamicin" ///
7 "Levofloxacin" ///
8 "Trimethoprim-sulfaisoxazole" ///
9 "Ceftriaxone" ///
10 "Ciprofloxacin" ///
11 "Cefazolin" ///
12 "Ampicillin"

label values study stu

label define pred 0 "5 Tertiary care hospitals" 1 "CHINA"
label values predicted pred

graph hbar prevalence, over(predicted) over(study) asyvars

generate stupred = pred if study == 1
replace stupred = pred+3 if study == 2
replace stupred = pred+6 if study == 3
replace stupred = pred+9 if study == 4
replace stupred = pred+12 if study == 5
replace stupred = pred+15 if study == 6
replace stupred = pred+18 if study == 7
replace stupred = pred+21 if study == 8
replace stupred = pred+24 if study == 9
replace stupred = pred+27 if study == 10
replace stupred = pred+30 if study == 11
replace stupred = pred+33 if study == 12

sort stupred
list stupred study predicted, sepby(study)

twoway (bar prevalence stupred if predicted==0, horizontal col(gray)) ///
(bar prevalence stupred if predicted==1, horizontal col(lightgreen)) ///
(rcap ciu cil stupred, horizontal), ///
ytitle("") ///
legend(label(1 "5 Tertiary care hospitals") label(2 "CHI") label(3 "95% confidence interval")) ///
ylabel(0.5 "Imipenem" 3.5 "Ertapenem" 6.5 "Amikacin" ///
9.5 "Piperacillin-tazobactam" 12.5 "Ceftazidime" 15.5 "Gentamicin" 18.5 "Levofloxacin" ///
21.5 "Trimethoprim-sulfaisoxazole" 24.5 "Ceftriaxone" 27.5 "Ciprofloxacin" ///
30.5 "Cefazolin" 33.5 "Ampicillin", angle(0)) ///
title("Proportion of Escherichia coli resistance to antimicrobial agents",size(Medium))