I have a problema that I just cant resolve.
I have a dataset with more than 120.000 obs and 66 variables.
I want to graph 1 variable called "Id_momento" (which goes from 1 to 6) through time. If I tab this variable with year I have the next table:
So what I want to do is create 6 graphs (1 for every id code) for the variable Id_momento. I have the next code:
egen sum=sum(Id_momento) if Id_momento==1, by (Año)
twoway (line sum Año), by (Id_momento)
But that only graphs "Preinscritos" and leaves the other graphs empty.
Also I wish to graph the growth rate of this variable for each identificator (1 to 6) but I dont know how to procced to create the variable growth rate.
If you could help me or point me in the right direction it would help me a lot.
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