Dear STATA expert,
I am constructing a health economic model utilising the patient-level data. I fit the time-to-event data with different distributions (i.e. exponential, Weibull, log-normal, loglogistic, etc,) and the log-normal distribution turned out to be the best fit. So I need to estimate the survival rate from time 0 to say, time 50 (month) based on this log-normal survival function. I used the 'stcurve, survival' post the 'streg, dist (logn)' command and I can see the curve (whereas I need the numbers underpinning this curve and beyond time 10). But my question is how can I obtain the values? From the survival function for log-normal, I do not know how to reconstruct the survival function with the parameters after streg command (_cons and sigma). Can you please help me with this?

Any advice will be appreciated.


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