Dear all,

I am working with mi data and plan to use "coefplot". Therefor I want to save results in models using "eststo".
I have the following syntax which ist working fine with metric and dummy variables:

est store m1a
eststo: mi est, post vceok esampvaryok noupdate: svy: reg netwealth_ihs selfemp transfer hh_size_emp children17 if country==04

The problem now is, that "selfemp" describes a categorical var and I would like to get the coefficients for each category of selfemp displayed separately in the output. I tried "i.selfempref" and "c.selfempref" but it does not work with eststo:

est store m1a
eststo: mi est, post vceok esampvaryok noupdate: svy: reg netwealth_ihs i.selfemp transfer hh_size_emp children17 if country==04

Does anyone have a solution for this or knows a different way to save mi data regression models with categorical variables?

Thanking you for any help or suggestions