I am running a difference in differences regression with Panel data on Stata version 14.2.
I have state-level clustered standard errors, but since there are only 32 states in my data I want to use bootstrapping to correct for bias in the standard errors.
Since I am using survey data I need to include weights [pweight]. These are, however, incompatible with the bootstraps option after reg.
I was recommended the boottest command, but I have trouble getting the results out of Stata into a table.
I run the following code:
reg violence treat i.state i.year [pweight=factor] if year>2003, cluster(ent) matrix v = e(V) matrix b = e(b) boottest treat=0, boottype(wild) seed(22) matrix v[1,1] = (_b[treat]/r(t))^2 eststo: ereturn post b v sum violence if year>2003 local N = r(N) local mean = r(mean) estadd scalar m = `mean' estadd scalar obs = `N' #delimit ; esttab, b(%-9.3f) se(%-9.3f) noobs keep(treat) nonotes nogaps mlabels(, none) nonumbers style(tex) fragment replace noline label stats(obs m, fmt(%9.0gc %5.3f) label("\\ Observations" "Mean of Dependent Variable")); #delimit cr
I get the following error message after the line
eststo: ereturn post b v
last estimation results not found, nothing to store
Any idea how to fix this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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