Variable | pre_crisis pre_crisis1 pre_crisis2 crisis crisis1 crisis2 post_crisis post_crisis1 post_crisis2
MAIV1 | -.12269193*** -.02313984 .11439476 -.02457669 .05733898*** .06337533***
avgEPU | .0354143*** .01839623* -.05305954* -.0255495* .0059357** .00706056**
_cons | -.43343095 .69192251 -1.596856* .39196367 -1.6256209* .47450906 -1.4818256** -.69119917* -.49930927
N | 586 602 586 208 212 208 1443 1447 1443
r2 | .04215311 .00140648 .01601135 .03944581 .0019522 .0230186 .01564897 .01075987 .0070858
r2_a | .03886719 -.00025784 .01432644 .03007455 -.00280041 .01827598 .01428181 .01007527 .00639675
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001
I tried to use the command:
outreg2 using file_name, excel
When I open the document, only the forst column pops out in excel, and the variable MAIV1 is missing...
(1) | |
VARIABLES | ln_ret100 |
avgEPU | 0.00706*** |
(0.00170) | |
Constant | -0.499* |
(0.261) | |
Observations | 1,443 |
Number of country1 | 12 |
R-squared | 0.007 |
Robust standard errors in parentheses | |
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 |
Can anyone explain what Im doing wrong here, and what comand I should use?
Thanks in advance!
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