
I am using stata 14 and the mixlogit command (user install) to analyse data from a discrete choice experiment with 6 attributes. I want to estimate the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) for each of the attributes, using the budget attribute (Cbudg_fa) as the numeraire.

global randvars Cuse_d Cuse_a Cnatu Cfaun_fa Cfaun_fo Cinfo Cwork_d Cwork_a Cbudg_fa Cbudg_fo
mixlogit Choice_long, rand($randvars) group(idChoicenumber) id(id) nrep(1000)

for each attribute and observation, I calculate the individual coefficients:
mixlbeta Cuse_d, nrep(500) saving("${MYPATH}\Resultats\500\newpanel_Cuse_d.dt a") replace

Then I calculate the average marginal rate of substitution
gen MRSabs_`x'=abs(`x')/abs(Cbudg_fa)

Question 1: Is that correct to take the absolute value of the coefficient to calculate the MRSs? I am interested in the weight of each attribute, independantly from the sign of the individual coefficient
Question 2: I would like to estimate the standard errors of the MRSs. How to do that? with the delta method ?

Thanks in advance for your answers.