Dear all,

I would like to ask you a question wheter there is a possibility in Stata to compare values of different school subjects, so I can get standardized results. My "problem" is that some of the pupils in the school were tested in math, but others were tested in english language, but the results on average were worse in math than in english. I can't just compare the absolute test scores. Firstly, I was thinking about calculation percentages, but I am not sure if it does what I want.

I would like to get a comparasion on the school level (2nd level), so it should be irelevant that some pupils took test in math or in another school subject.

For this example I work with two separate datasets (in first there are students results from math tests, in the second are results from english language test):

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte Student_id int School_id byte results_math
 1 201 55
 2 201 58
 3 201 62
 4 202 29
 5 202 59
 6 203 75
 7 203 73
 8 203 70
 9 203 39
10 203 72

Thank you for your help.