Dear Statalists, I am running my analysis by using a bivariate probit model. I have two dependent variables including Rent-in (Yes =1, No = 0) and Rent-out (Yes = 1, No = 0), and 6 independent variables (Indigeneity (Yes = 1, No = 0), Land Own (Large = 1, Small =0), Village (village 1 = 1, village 2 = 0), OffFarm (Yes = 1, No = 0), Training in agriculture (number of informal trainings), and Distance to markets). I ran the bivariate probit model as: biprobit Rent-out Rent-in i.Indigeneity i.LandOwn i.Village i.Offarm Training Distance, vce(robust)
Now, I want to control the effects of other variables to test the impacts of indigeneity on the likelihood of the participation of farmers in the rent-in and rent-out markets. Could anyone please tell me if I can do this test for bivariate probits in STATA? If yes, could you please show me or suggest the document that I should read? Any help will be highly appreciated.