Hey all, thanks beforehand.

I'm using MEM and getting a weird result, so I think I'm doing something wrong. The Stata version is 14.2 on Windows 10.

I'm using a dataset of 32 variables and 800,000~ observations. 3 Variables are used in the question below. An example:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float action_num byte(officer_race_num driver_race_num)
2 1 1
2 0 0
2 0 0
2 0 0
1 0 1
2 0 0
2 0 0
1 2 2
2 1 1
1 0 1
2 0 0
3 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 2
1 0 1
1 1 1
2 0 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
1 0 1
With this, I'm using a mlogit regression where my dependent variable is action_num (categorical (3)) and my independent variables are officer_race_num and driver_race_num (both categorical (3 and 4 categories respectively) and their interactions, like so:

 mlogit action_num i.officer_race_num i.driver_race_num i.officer_race_num#i.driver_race_num i.year, r base(1)
And at last I run margins to get the MEM of the above regression, like so:

 margins, dydx (i.officer_race_num) atmeans post
The weird result is: If create the interaction variable manually, run the mlogit with the manual variable instead of using the Stata command for interaction variable ("#"), and at last post the MEM, I get a different result then the MEM estimation with the Stata induced interaction ("#").

Meaning, the change is I changed the above mlogit command to:

gen off_drv_race = 0
replace off_drv_race = 1 if officer_race_num==1 & driver_race_num==1
replace off_drv_race = 2 if officer_race_num==1 & driver_race_num==2
replace off_drv_race = 3 if officer_race_num==1 & driver_race_num==3
replace off_drv_race = 4 if officer_race_num==2 & driver_race_num==1
replace off_drv_race = 5 if officer_race_num==2 & driver_race_num==2
replace off_drv_race = 6 if officer_race_num==2 & driver_race_num==3
mlogit action_num i.officer_race_num i.driver_race_num i.off_drv_race i.year, r base(1)
This produces exactly the same results as the first mlogit, and when I use the same margins command, I get different results.

The problem: I want to post the margins for the interactions, and to do this I need to use the manual interaction since margins can't intake the Stata induced interaction ("#"), but I see it changes the initial results. So I think maybe I'm making some mistake along the way.

I checked if the mlogit results were different, but they are the same with the manual interaction and with the Stata induced interaction ("#").

So my main question would be, why is there a difference? And what does this difference mean? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks alot,