I continue to work with stpm2cr to model cumulative incidence for my study (Mozumder et al, 2016). I've got the stpm2cr model running and have a functional cumulative incidence plot now, so small victories! Where I am struggling now is in getting a plot for CIF difference, for cause-specific hazard functions, and the sub distribution hazard functions. They all seem to use the same general syntax, yet I am clearly doing something wrong because my plotted figures aren't working. Here's the code:
predict cifdiff_CVO, cifdiff1(study_grp 1 study_grp 0) cifdiff2(study_grp 0 study_grp 1) ci label variable cifdiff_CVO_c1 "Difference in Cause-Specific Incidence for Composite CV Outcomes" label variable cifdiff_CVO_c1_lci "95% Lower Bound: CIF Difference for Composite CVOutcomes" label variable cifdiff_CVO_c1_uci "95% Upper Bound: CIF Difference for Composite CV COutcomes" label variable cifdiff_CVO_c2 "Difference in Cause-Specific Incidence for Mortality" label variable cifdiff_CVO_c2_lci "95% Lower Bound: CIF Difference for Mortality" label variable cifdiff_CVO_c2_uci "95% Upper Bound: CIF Difference for Mortality" twoway (line cifdiff_CVO_c1 figuretime, sort lcolor(red) lwidth(thick)) /// (line cifdiff_CVO_c2 figuretime, sort lcolor(blue) lwidth(thick)), /// title("Unadjusted Difference in Cumulative Incidence Functions") /// xtitle("Months from First Procedure", size(small)) /// ytitle("Difference", size (small)) /// xlabel (0 1 12 24 36) /// legend(order(1 "Study Group 1" 2 "Study Group 2") size(small))
Any idea what's going wrong with this? I think my error is in the predict syntax, but I don't know for sure. Advice/suggestions are very welcomed.
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