Dear community,


I have a panel data containing household information that was collected mainly in the baseline year. When collecting data, if there were no changes in a period compared to the previous period, the variables are coded 0. Now I want to recode the household head's occupation (HHocc) from 0 to the value of the past period for each household id.
I was doing it manually but there are about 4000 observations to change so I need a quicker way. Do you have an idea how to do it?

The following is how data look like:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(qdate HHocc id)
230 0 47
231 0 47
232 1 47
233 1 47
234 1 47
235 1 47
219 1 48
220 7 48
221 0 48
222 0 48
223 0 48
224 0 48
225 0 48
226 0 48
227 0 48
228 0 48
229 0 48
230 0 48
231 0 48
232 1 48
233 1 48
format %tq qdate
label values id id
label def id 47 "a049", modify
label def id 48 "a050", modify
Here for example, household 48 should have HHocc=7 from qdate 221 to 231.

​​​​​​​I tried to apply this code but it did not work:
recode HHocc (0=1) if (qd==219 & HHocc==1)
*219 refers to the baseline year and there are about 17 periods.