Hi all. I have a cross-sectional dataset with information on the presence or absence of a Brazilian TV network's signal (globo_coverage), for each one of the 3,659 localities in Brazil in 1982.

I want to estimate the effect of having access to Globo Network's signal on the vote for a Brazilian political party in the general election of 1982 in the country, for several offices (i.e., federal deputy, state deputy, governor and senator).

The problem: variable "globo_coverage" is probably endogenous. I need to run an instrumental variable model. This endogenous variable is binary and all my dependent variables are continuous. Estimation through 2SLS using the command ivregress seems wrong.

Variables I want to use as instruments: distance to the state capital in km (dist_cap_est) and geographical latitude.

Could someone provide me advice on how to proceed here?

Thank you.

PS: please let me know if you need more info about the dataset.