Dear Stata users,

The command -sumdist- (SSC) was written by Stephen Jenkins , it was designed to estimates distributional summary statistics commonly used by income distribution analysts. I find that it do not display variable's mean (?) ot the last quantile. Perhaps I have misunderstanding of this command. Could any one help me explaining it in more details? Thank you.

. sysuse nlsw88, clear
(NLSW, 1988 extract)

. sumdist wage, ngp(5)
Distributional summary statistics, 5 quantile groups

Quantile  |
group     |    Quantile  % of median     Share, %      L(p), %        GL(p)
        1 |       4.026       64.184        8.891        8.891        0.691
        2 |       5.435       86.648       11.245       20.136        1.564
        3 |       7.311      116.557       16.211       36.347        2.823
        4 |      10.274      163.796       22.473       58.821        4.569
        5 |                                41.179      100.000        7.767
Share = quantile group share of total wage; 
L(p)=cumulative group share; GL(p)=L(p)*mean(wage)