Using the notation of the graph, I estimated the following model (translated from Hamaker et al.'s code for MPlus for RI-CLPMs):
sem (P2 Q2 <- P1 Q1)(P3 Q3 <- P2 Q2)(K -> x1@1 x2@1 x3@1)(W -> y1@1 y2@1 y3@1)(P1 -> x1@1)(P2 -> x2@1)(P3 -> x3@1)(Q1 -> y1@1)(Q2 -> y2@1)(Q3 -> y3@1), cov(K*W P1*Q1 e.P2*e.Q2 e.P3*e.Q3) covstruct(e.P2 e.Q2 e.P3 e.Q3 e.x1 e.x2 e.x3 e.y1 e.y2 e.y3, zero)
Unfortunately, I get the following error message:
model not identified;
too many latent variables
Can anyone spot what am I doing wrong here?
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