Hi everyone,

First time posting questions by myself here. I used to browse the questions and find solutions accordingly, which is very helpful.

First of all, I am using Stata 14, which might be a little bit old. As for my question, I encountered an error message telling me "option mlabformat() not allowed r(198)" when formatting my two-way graph. I would like to label the scatter plot within the two-way graph and only keep two decimal points regarding the label. However, the software won't let me do so by using mlabformat function. Is there any way of getting around this problem? I wonder if it is because twoway function does not accept mlabformat.

twoway (bar freq_scale scaleport if portfolio == 0, bcolor(ltblue) yaxis(1) ytitle("Number of Hotel Transactions")) ///
(bar freq_scale scaleport if portfolio == 1, bcolor(navy) yaxis(1))///
(line pc_scale scaleport if portfolio == 1, lcolor(black) yaxis(2) ytitle("Percent of Hotels within Portfolios(%)", axis(2))) ///
(scatter pc_scale scaleport if portfolio == 1, mlabel(pc_scale) mlabposition(12) mlabformat(%9.2f) mcolor(black) msize(small) mlabcolor(black) yaxis(2)), ///
legend(row(3) order(1 "number of hotel transactions" 2 "number of hotel transactions within portfolios" 3 "percentage of hotel transactions within portfolios")) ///
xlabel(1.5 "Economy" 4.5 "Midscale" 7.5 "Upper Midscale" 10.5 "Upscale" 13.5 "Upper Upscale" 16.5 "Luxury" 19.5 "Independent", angle(45) noticks) ///
Thank you so much!
