Hello. Please consider my data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str17 make int price byte mpg double(rep78 headroom) int(trunk weight length turn) double(displacement gear_ratio) str8 foreign
"AMC Concord"        4099 22   3 2.5   11 2930 186  40                121 3.5799999237060547 "Domestic"
"AMC Pacer"          4749 17   3   3   11 3350 173  40                258 2.5299999713897705 "Domestic"
"AMC Spirit"         3799 22   .   3   12 2640 168  35                121 3.0799999237060547 "Domestic"
"Buick Century"      4816 20   3 4.5   16 3250 196  40                196  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Buick Electra"      7827 15   4   4   20 4080 222  43                350 2.4100000858306885 "Domestic"
"Buick LeSabre"      5788 18   3   4   21 3670 218  43                231 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Buick Opel"         4453 26   .   3   10 2230 170  34                304  2.869999885559082 "Domestic"
"Buick Regal"        5189 20   3   2   16 3280 200  42                196  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Buick Riviera"     10372 16   3 3.5   17 3880 207  43                231  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Buick Skylark"      4082 19   3 3.5   13 3400 200  42                231 3.0799999237060547 "Domestic"
"Cad. Deville"      11385 14   3   4   20 4330 221  44                425 2.2799999713897705 "Domestic"
"Cad. Eldorado"     14500 14   2 3.5   16 3900 204  43                350  2.190000057220459 "Domestic"
"Cad. Seville"      15906 21   3   3   13 4290 204  45                350  2.240000009536743 "Domestic"
"Chev. Chevette"     3299 29   3 2.5    9 2110 163  34                231  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Chev. Impala"       5705 16   4   4   20 3690 212  43                250  2.559999942779541 "Domestic"
"Chev. Malibu"       4504 22   3 3.5   17 3180 193  31                200 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Chev. Monte Carlo"  5104 22   2   2   16 3220 200  41                200 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Chev. Monza"        3667 24   2   2    7 2750 179  40                151 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Chev. Nova"         3955 19   3 3.5   13 3430 197  43                250  2.559999942779541 "Domestic"
"Dodge Colt"         3984 30   5   2    8 2120 163  35                 98 3.5399999618530273 "Domestic"
"Dodge Diplomat"     4010 18   2   4   17 3600 206  46                318 2.4700000286102295 "Domestic"
"Dodge Magnum"       5886 16   2   4   17 3600 206  46                318 2.4700000286102295 "Domestic"
"Dodge St. Regis"    6342 17   2 4.5   21 3740 220  46                225  2.940000057220459 "Domestic"
"Ford Fiesta"        4389 28   4 1.5    9 1800 147  33                 98 3.1500000953674316 "Domestic"
"Ford Mustang"       4187 21   3   2   10 2650 179  43                140 3.0799999237060547 "Domestic"
"Linc. Continental" 11497 12   3 3.5   22 4840 233  51                400 2.4700000286102295 "Domestic"
"Linc. Mark V"      13594 12   3 2.5   18 4720 230  48                400 2.4700000286102295 "Domestic"
"Linc. Versailles"  13466 14   3 3.5   15 3830 201  41                302 2.4700000286102295 "Domestic"
"Merc. Bobcat"       3829 22   4   3    9 2580 169  39                140 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Merc. Cougar"       5379 14   4 3.5   16 4060 221  48                302               2.75 "Domestic"
"Merc. Marquis"      6165 15   3 3.5   23 3720 212  44                302  2.259999990463257 "Domestic"
"Merc. Monarch"      4516 18   3   3   15 3370 198  41                250  2.430000066757202 "Domestic"
"Merc. XR-7"         6303 14   4   3   16 4130 217  45                302               2.75 "Domestic"
"Merc. Zephyr"       3291 20   3 3.5   17 2830 195  43                140 3.0799999237060547 "Domestic"
"Olds 98"            8814 21   4   4   20 4060 220  43                350 2.4100000858306885 "Domestic"
"Olds Cutl Supr"     5172 19   3   2   16 3310 198  42                231  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Olds Cutlass"       4733 19   3 4.5   16 3300 198  42                231  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Olds Delta 88"      4890 18   4   4   20 3690 218  42                231 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Olds Omega"           19  3 4.5  14 3370  200  43 231 3.0799999237060547                  . "NA"      
"Olds Starfire"        24  1   2  10 2730  180  40 151 2.7300000190734863                  . "NA"      
"Olds Toronado"     10371 16   3 3.5   17 4030 206  43                350 2.4100000858306885 "Domestic"
"Plym. Arrow"        4647 28   3   2   11 3260 170  37                156  3.049999952316284 "Domestic"
"Plym. Champ"        4425 34   5 2.5   11 1800 157  37                 86 2.9700000286102295 "Domestic"
"Plym. Horizon"      4482 25   3   4   17 2200 165  36                105  3.369999885559082 "Domestic"
"Plym. Sapporo"      6486 26   . 1.5    8 2520 182  38                119 3.5399999618530273 "Domestic"
"Plym. Volare"       4060 18   2   5   16 3330 201  44                225 3.2300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Pont. Catalina"     5798 18   4   4   20 3700 214  42                231 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Pont. Firebird"     4934 18   1 1.5    7 3470 198  42                231 3.0799999237060547 "Domestic"
"Pont. Grand Prix"   5222 19   3   2   16 3210 201  45                231  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Pont. Le Mans"      4723 19   3 3.5   17 3200 199  40                231  2.930000066757202 "Domestic"
"Pont. Phoenix"      4424 19   . 3.5   13 3420 203  43                231 3.0799999237060547 "Domestic"
"Pont. Sunbird"      4172 24   2   2    7 2690 179  41                151 2.7300000190734863 "Domestic"
"Audi 5000"          9690 17   5   3   15 2830 189  37                131  3.200000047683716 "Foreign"
"Audi Fox"           6295 23   3 2.5   11 2070 174  36                 97  3.700000047683716 "Foreign"
"BMW 320i"           9735 25   4 2.5   12 2650 177  34                121  3.640000104904175 "Foreign"
"Datsun 200"         6229 23   4 1.5    6 2370 170  35                119  3.890000104904175 "Foreign"
"Datsun 210"         4589 35   5   2    8 2020 165  32                 85  3.700000047683716 "Foreign"
"Datsun 510"         5079 24   4 2.5    8 2280 170  34                119 3.5399999618530273 "Foreign"
"Datsun 810"         8129 21   4 2.5    8 2750 184  38                146  3.549999952316284 "Foreign"
"Fiat Strada"        4296 21   3 2.5   16 2130 161  36                105  3.369999885559082 "Foreign"
"Honda Accord"       5799 25   5   3   10 2240 172  36                107  3.049999952316284 "Foreign"
"Honda Civic"        4499 28   4 2.5    5 1760 149  34                 91  3.299999952316284 "Foreign"
"Mazda GLC"          3995 30   4 3.5   11 1980 154  33                 86 3.7300000190734863 "Foreign"
"Peugeot 604"       12990 14   . 3.5   14 3420 192  38                163 3.5799999237060547 "Foreign"
"Renault Le Car"     3895 26   3   3   10 1830 142  34                 79 3.7200000286102295 "Foreign"
"Subaru"             3798 35   5 2.5   11 2050 164  36                 97  3.809999942779541 "Foreign"
"Toyota Celica"      5899 18   5 2.5   14 2410 174  36                134  3.059999942779541 "Foreign"
"Toyota Corolla"     3748 31   5   3    9 2200 165  35                 97 3.2100000381469727 "Foreign"
"Toyota Corona"      5719 18   5   2   11 2670 175  36                134  3.049999952316284 "Foreign"
"VW Dasher"          7140 23   4 2.5   12 2160 172  36                 97  3.740000009536743 "Foreign"
"VW Diesel"          5397 41   5   3   15 2040 155  35                 90 3.7799999713897705 "Foreign"
"VW Rabbit"          4697 25   4   3   15 1930 155  35                 89 3.7799999713897705 "Foreign"
"VW Scirocco"        6850 25   4   2   16 1990 156  36                 97 3.7799999713897705 "Foreign"
"Volvo 260"         11995 17   5 2.5   14 3170 193  37                163 2.9800000190734863 "Foreign"
I would like to move the observations which are 'NA' under the 'foreign' variable to the right starting from price to displacement.

I have tried with the following code but it replaces the observation with only the value from price.

unab vlist: price-displacement
local nvar: word count `vlist'
forval i = 1/`=`nvar'-1' {
local thisvar : word `i' of `vlist'
local nextvar: word `=`i' + 1' of `vlist'
replace `nextvar' = `thisvar' if foreign == "NA"
Please help. Thank you.