I have a few questions regarding Propensity Scores Matching with Kernel Matching.

1) If there are 5 outcome measures, do I have to do the matching for separate outcome measures?
2) How to interpret the "t-stat" from psmatch2 Kernel output to determine whether the ATT effect is significant or not?
3) 1:1 or 1:n matching can subset the matched data. Can anyone please advise on how to subset the data after Kernel matching so that can proceed with data analysis on matched data set?
4) Like IPTW, it makes use of all the available data set. Will Kernel matching arrive at the sample size (total, treated and control) ?
5) Kernel matching provides ATT and is there a way to get ATET?
6) In a situation where radius matching and Kernel matching provides the similar reduction in standardized difference of the covariates, which outcome result should we report?