I suddenly found myself confused in interpreting multiple interactions of categorical variables in a single specification. I have two questions and I sincerely appreciate your help. For illustration, let's consider the below specification:
regress temperature i.timeint i.region i.region#timeint b3.regionclass b3.regionclass#timeint lowjobs c.perc_black##c.perc_black##c.perc_black c.perc_unemploy##c.perc_unemploy, vce(cluster tractfips) allbaselevels
(1) Say region is a categorical variable consisting of 6 categories indicating which region in the U.S. the panel belongs to.
(2) regionclass is another categorical variable consisting of 4 categories.
(3) timeint is a dummy variable indicating which year the observation within a panel belongs to, e.g., timeint = 1 if 2020 and 0 if 2018.
I have two questions:
A) How would I interpret the coefficients on the interaction term i.region#timeint? In this case, assume 1.region and timeint = 0 (2018) is the reference category. My understanding has been that the coefficient on 2.region#timeint will indicate the change in temperature for a station in region == 2 in 2020 compared to 2013. Likewise, per my understanding, I would interpret the coefficient on 1.regionclass#timeint as the change in temperature for a station in regionclass == 1 in 2020 compared to 2013. Is my interpretation correct? Based on contrasting information on other websites, I am now confused if my interpretation is correct.
When I calculate the marginal effects as:
margins timeint, dydx(region)
(B) What would be the reference category for the interaction term i.region#timeint? As I stated above, I am interpreting 2.regionclass#timeint as the change in temperature for a station in region == 2 in 2020 compared to 2013. But does the fact that the coefficient for 1.region cannot be estimated (and thus Stata uses it as a reference category) change my above interpretation. My guess would be yes but am unclear especially how the presentation of the Stata output changes when timeint#i.region is used in the command instead of i.region#timeint (used above).
Thanks a lot for your insights and help!
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