This is my first post so please excuse any errors. I would like to estimate ARIMA models to understand the relationship between changing labor force conditions and disability over time at the county level. I am measuring labor force changes by the percentage of goods-producing and service-providing industries over time. I have 44 years of data and hundreds of counties. I have multiple disability outcome variables where disability is measured as a continuous index of difficulties and also a dichotomous indicator of disability (yes/no). The unit of analysis is person within county, and the data are cross sectional so I have different individuals over time in counties. The percentage of goods-producing and service-providing industries and the continuous disability measures trend over time. Here is an example of what the data look like (in long format).
ID Year County # of disabilites % goods-producing industries % service providing industries
01 2017 X 0 28% 72%
02 2017 X 3 10% 90%
03 2017 Y 1 28% 72%
100 1973 X 1 9% 91%
101 1973 Y 0 25% 75%
My question is: How do I set up the data for an ARIMA analysis when I have multiple years? When I try to estimate ARIMA models I get errors stating that Stata cannot use multiple panels and errors related to have multiple years. Every example of time-series analysis I find has one observation per year, whereas I have multiple observations per year because I am looking at individuals within county-years.

Here is the code I used:

tsset ID_variable year_variable, yearly
ARIMA disabilityindex_variable industry_variable, arima(1,1,0)

Thank you for any help you can provide and I am happy to provide more information if necessary.