* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str10 P float(t x w z) "A" 0 2 2 3 "B" 1 10.333333 8 4 "C" 0 1 1 5 "C" 1 -5 6 9 end
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str10 P float(t x w z) "A" 0 2 2 3 "A" 1 0 2 3 "B" 0 0 8 4 "B" 1 10.333333 8 4 "C" 0 1 1 5 "C" 1 -5 6 9 end
However, when P="A", only one observation is available (t=0), I need another observation to be exactly the same (including the values of MANY other variables (e.g., w z), their values must be the same) as the (t=0) observation but with t=1, and x=0.
Similarly, when P="B", only one observation is available (t=1), I need another observation to be exactly the same (including the values of MANY other variables (e.g., w z), their values must be the same) as the (t=1) observation but with t=0, and x=0.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
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