
I wonder if anyone could share any tips or tricks for detecting careless responses (unengaged response patterns) in the context of self-report questionnaire. I'm looking for observations with response patterns that are even-odd or repeated (e.g. 1 1 1 1, or 12121). Any papers or STATA articles on this would be much appreciated!

So far, I've used the basic code below for inspecting and screening myself, but I know there will be more sophisticated code out there. Can anyone help me? In particular I'm interested in learning whether there is STATA code for the even-odd consistency index and the psychometric antonyms index.

egen patternwbs = concat(wbs1 wbs2 wbs3 wbs4...*)
bigtab patternwbs uniqueID

Where 'patternwbs' is a new variable created displaying the patterns of responses on all the 'wellbeing at school' items (there are 21 in total), 'uniqueID' is to help me identify the problematic observation

Thanks so much in advance for any steers!
