I wonder if someone else have a problem using asdoc together with the new xtdidregress command? It reports unbalanced parentheses, which I can't se in the code. This only happens when including control covariates in the model. The controls are all continues variables. I imagine that if the problem was the controls, the models shouldn't work without asdoc, but when excluding the asdoc command, or the control variables, it works well. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
It does not work when:
asdoc xtdidregress (C_perc_kom and_utr and_hogutb dist_mdink) (closed3) if school==1, group(Code) time(election_year), replace nest asdoc xtdidregress (MP_perc_kom and_utr and_hogutb dist_mdink) (closed3) if school==1, group(Code) time(election_year), save nest
asdoc xtdidregress (C_perc_kom) (closed3) if school==1, group(Code) time(election_year), replace nest asdoc xtdidregress (MP_perc_kom) (closed3) if school==1, group(Code) time(election_year), save nest
xtdidregress (C_perc_kom and_utr and_hogutb dist_mdink) (closed3) if school==1, group(Code) time(election_year) xtdidregress (MP_perc_kom and_utr and_hogutb dist_mdink) (closed3) if school==1, group(Code) time(election_year)
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